The purpose of solving this problem is to determine what 47% of 6371 is. One common real life problem where a solution like this may be helpful include calculating how much tip to leave at a restaurant. Solving this problem requires two simple math operations that you can perform on any calculator. The first step is a division and the second step is a multiplication. Here's a cool tip though, you can actually reverse the order of these operations and the result will be the same! Here are the steps:
Step 1: Divide 6371 by 100
In this case, the number that we are "comparing" to 100 is 6371, so we must first normalize the number by dividing it by 100. The operation we have to solve is this: $$ \frac{6371}{ 100 } = 6371 \div {{ 100 }} = 63.71$$
Step 2: Multiply 63.71 by 47 to get the solution
Now that we have our normalized number, 63.71, we just have to multiply it by 47 to get our final answer. The forumla for this is obviously quite simple: $$ 63.71 \times 47 = 2994.37 $$
That's all there is to it! Note that you can replace these values with new ones from any similar problem